Adjectives and Prepositions
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He is very efficient at he does.

My old dog is very faithful me.

Are you sure what you are saying?

France lies to the west Switzerland.

Tennis stars are very popular young people.

Some people are unfortunately ignorant geography.

The president of the country became very angry the Google map changes.

I am ready help you now.

I am grateful you for all you have done for me.

I am sad the situation in the world.

Autor: bubbl

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Hello everyone
mateuszw366, dzisiaj o 02:08
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mrsnake, wczoraj o 09:43
Adrian05, 3 dni temu, 13:30
Maczetti69, 4 dni temu, 20:21
Cześć :D
aniazienn, 29 listopada 2024, 18:30