Cindy Lauper - Time After Time
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Lying in my bed, I hear the ticks, and think of you

Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing

Flash back, warm night, almost left behind

Suitcase of memories...

Time after

Sometime you pictured me, I'm too far ahead

You're callin' to me, I can't hear what you've

You said, "Go slow, I fall behind"

The second hand unwinds...

If you're lost, you can look and you will me,

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting,

Time after time

After my fades, and darkness has turned to grey

Watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm okay

Secrets, stolen, from deep ,

The drum beats out of time...

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me,

Time after time

If you fall I will you, I'll be waiting,

Time after time

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me,

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting,

Time after time

Time after time...

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Hello everyone
mateuszw366, dzisiaj o 02:08
First time
mrsnake, wczoraj o 09:43
Adrian05, 3 dni temu, 13:30
Maczetti69, 4 dni temu, 20:21
Cześć :D
aniazienn, 29 listopada 2024, 18:30