Phrasal verb | Znaczenie | Przykład |
take after | być podobnym do | Both my sister and I take after our father. |
take back | zwrócić, oddać | This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it back to the library. |
take care of | opiekować się kimś, troszczyć się | Lois has been taking care of her father since he returned home from the hospital. |
take care of | zająć się, wziąć odpowiedzialność | Will you take care of making reservations for our flight to Boston? |
take off | zdjąć (odzież) | Please take your hat off when you go inside a building. |
take off | odejść, opuścić miejsce | Was something wrong with Jill? She took off without saying goodbye. |
take off | odlecieć (samolot) | When does your plane take off? |
take off | wziąć wolne | Susan isn't here today. She's taking today and tomorrow off. |
take up | zacząć uprawiać hobby | A: "Do you like to ski?" B: "I've never been skiing, but I think I'd like to take it up. |
tell apart | odróżnić, rozróżnić | For me all babies are the same - I can't tell them apart. |
tell off | pokrzyczeć | Julie was really angry at Bob; she told him off in front of all of us. |
tell on | odbijać się na | His heavy drinking told on his marriage. |
throw away | wyrzucić do śmieci | You shouldn't throw those newspapers away; they're recyclable. |
throw off | pozbyć się | It took me 3 weeks to throw off that cold. |
throw off | zrzucić z siebie | She threw off her clothes and jumped in the shower. |
throw out | wyrzucić do śmieci | This food smells bad. You'd better throw it out. |
throw out | wyrzucić kogoś za złe zachowanie | Those people are drunk and making everyone uncomfortable. The manager should throw them out. |
throw up | wymiotować | Paul was so nervous about his job interview that he threw up just before he left for it. |
tick away | mijać, tykać (czas) | You're sitting here, doing nothing, and time is ticking away. |
tick off | denerwować | It really ticks her off when someone is late for an appointment. |
tick off | zatwierdzić, 'postawić ptaszka' | Here are the things you need to do. Tick each one off when you finish it. |
try for | starać się o coś, próbować coś zrobić | I'd love to try for a place at Cambridge. |
try on | przymierzyć | I'm not sure that jacket is large enough. May I try it on? |
try out | wypróbować | I really like the way this car looks. May I try it out? |
try out | ubiegać się o miejsce w | I know you want to be on the football team. Are you going to try out? |
turn around | odwrócić się | Everyone turned around and stared when I entered the meeting late. |
turn around | wprowadzić korzystne zmiany | The company was doing poorly until it hired a new president. He turned it around in about six months and now it's doing quite well. |
turn around | odwrócić (się od) | I don't want this chair facing the window. Will you help me turn it around? |
turn away | odesłać, zwolnić | The company owner turned away the clerk. |
turn away | wbudzać niechęć, odrazę, zniechęcać | The poor location of the house turned away prospective buyers. |
turn away | odpierać, odwracać(uwagę) | The MP member turned away all criticism. |
turn back | zawrócić | When John realised that he should have taken right, he stopped on the road and turned back. |
turn back | zgiąć, zagiąć | Turn back the page's corner to save your place in the book. |
turn down | ściszyć | Your music is giving me a headache! Please turn it down or use your headphones! |
turn down | odmówić | I thought I could borrow some money from Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down. |
turn in | dostarczyć, oddać | I've written my report, but I haven't turned it in. |
turn in | iść do łóżka, iść spać | I'm pretty tired. I guess I'll turn in. |
turn in | poddać się, oddać się w ręce prawa | Two days after the robbery, the thieves turned themselves in. |
turn off | nudzić | That music turns me off. Please play something else! |
turn off | wyłączyć | I'm cold. Do you mind if I turn the air conditioner off? |
turn on | włączyć | It's cold in here. I'm going to turn the heater on. |
turn on | interesować, nakręcać | What kind of music turns you on? |
turn out | zgasić, wyłączyć | It was late and John was sleepy. He turned out the lights and went to bed. |
turn out | przyjechać, zebrać się w miejscu publicznym | The new president planned to close the factory so on Saturday many protesters have turned out to show their dissagrement. |
turn out | okazać się | The rookie turned out to be the team's best hitter. |
turn out | wyeksmitować, wyrzucić | The landlord got so mad that the party was loud and that the TV landed on the pavement. The next day the tenants were turned out. |
turn over | kręcić się, przekręcić | Mary has problems with her car. The engine turned over but wouldn't start. |
turn over | obrócić się, przekręcić | You are lying on the remote controler. Turn over so I can get it. |
turn up | podgłośnić | I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up a little? |
turn up | pojawić się, przyjechać | We were all surprised when Pam turned up at the party. We didn't even know she was in town. |
turn up | coś (komuś) wypadło, coś się zdarzyło | Something turned up, so I couldn't go. |