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Phrasal verb Znaczenie Przykład
sell off sprzedać coś szybko, ponieważ potrzebujesz pieniędzy, lub nie potrzebujesz tej rzeczy I'm going to sell off the toys - my children haven't played with them for months, and they just take up space.
sell out wyprzedać I tried to get their latest CD in town but the shop had sold out.
set about zabierać się do robienia czegoś I haven't set about cleaning the garage yet, I'll do it tomorrow.
set back wywołać opóźnienie We've had some problems with the project that have set us back at least two days. We'll give you a progress report tomorrow.
set back kosztować, wynieść I wonder how much Bill's new car set him back?
set off wyruszyć, wyjechać We set off from the railway station at 3.30 am.
set up wyznaczyć spotkanie You'll see Mr. Thomas tomorrow. I've set a meeting up for 9:30 AM.
set up założyć firmę Joe has set up a new business ; he produces zips.
show off chwalić się She's bringing her daughter to show off her musical skills.
show round oprowadzić kogoś Come on, let me show you round this place - you'll see how awesome it is.
show up przybyć, pojawić się The boss was very upset when you didn't show up for the meeting. What happened?
show up wypaść lepiej niż ktoś Everyone thought Marsha would win, but Jean did. Actually, Jean really showed Marsha up.
slip away wymknąć się I don't even know when Angie slipped away.
slip into wrzucić coś na siebie, nałożyć szybko Sit here and relax, and I'll slip into something more comfortable.
slip up pomylić się You slipped up here. The amount should be $135.28, not $132.58.
stand by stać przy kimś, wspierać kogoś, być wiernym Whatever you decide to do, I'll stand by you all the way.
stand down ustąpić, wycofać się The chairman stood down yesterday morning.
stand for reprezentować These letters seem to be an abbreviation. Do you know what they stand for?
stand for tolerować, pozwalać I'm not surprised that Mrs. Johnson rejected your report. She won't stand for shoddy work.
stand out wyróżniać się, być ponadprzeciętnym Good job, Ann! Your work really stands out!
stand up wstać When the Chairperson entered the room, everyone stood up.
stand up wystawić do wiatru, nie przyjść na randkę Angela was supposed to go to the dance with Fred, but she stood him up and went with Chuck instead.
stay in nie wychodzić Did you stay in the whole night?

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mateuszw366, dzisiaj o 02:08
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mrsnake, wczoraj o 09:43
Adrian05, 3 dni temu, 13:30
Maczetti69, 4 dni temu, 20:21
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aniazienn, 29 listopada 2024, 18:30