Paraphrases -
1.Susan lost some weight because she ate less. If Susan ......................................................................
2.I`m sorry I can't speak English perfectly. I wish ................................................................................
3.Everybody expected the weather to be warmer. The weather ............................................................
4.The exam was so difficult that I couldn't finish it. It was ..................................................................
5.We had lunch and then went for a walk be the river. After we ..........................................................
6.The last time I played tennis was ten years ago. I ..............................................................................
7.You didn't understand because you weren't listening. If ....................................................................
8.I took my car to the garage and they repaired it. I had ......................................................................
9.It's possible that the robber his his gun in a litter bin. The robber .....................................................
10.Shall I ever meet this man again? wondered Betty. Betty wondered if .............................................
11.It wasn't necessary for him to apologise. He ......................................................................................
12.Although she is happily married she feels bored sometimes. Despite ...............................................
13. Journalists report that someone started the fire deliberately. The fire ...............................................
14.The plumbers are changing the kitchen pipes at my father's. My father is ........................................
15.It was a bad idea to try to lift that table by myself. I oughtn't ............................................................
16.The man made a mistake leaping for the gun. The man leapt for the gun, ........................................
17.I was at a loss because I couldn't see anything. Not ..........................................................................
18.As I read more books about psychology, I understand people's behaviour less. .The .......................
19.It appears that the woman is trying to follow her husband. The woman seems ...............................
20.He hates it when his students call him “Professor”. He hates ...........................................................
21.What a pity the drug dealer recognised her. If ..................................................................................
22.The things he said about that dictator were shocking. What .............................................................
23.I thought the lecture would be worse than that. The lecture was not .................................................
24.They didn't hear any sound. Not ........................................................................................................
25.He found studying at night quite difficult. He wasn't used ...............................................................
26.Someone stole the old lady's purse. The old lady was ......................................................................
27.Both exercises were too difficult to solve. I couldn't solve ..............................................................
28.We must reconsider our offer. What we must do ..............................................................................
29.Nobody has ever written in this exercise-book. This exercise-book ...............................................
30.We ought to forbid such demonstrations. It's time such ...................................................................
31.We'll have to take him to hospital if he doesn't regain consciousness. Unless ..................................
32.He took off his shoes because he didn't want to stain the carpet. He took off his shoes so ..............
33.Please, forecast weather for tomorrow rather than for next year. I'd rather .....................................
34.Laying the tiles was difficult and you don't realise it. You don't realise how ...................................
35.Do you approve of his plan? Are you in ...........................................................................................
36.He hasn't driven a bus for six years. It's ............................................................................................
37.Stop leaving dirty dishes on the table! I wish ...................................................................................
38. I'm looking for the book with a torn cover. I'm looking for the book .................................. is torn.
39.You can't speak English and that's why you can't find work. You won't find work without ..............
40.Whatever he does, I won't see him. I won't see him no .....................................................................
41.They repeated the news several time. The news ................................................................................
42.I'm quite certain that they unlocked the door with my own key. The door ......................................
43.He purchased the painting 6 years ago. He's ....................................................................................
44.She found the lake so cold that she didn't swim in it. The lake was too ..........................................
45.Perhaps he didn't have any knowledge of that. He ...........................................................................
46.Judging from the way he walks, someone might get the impression that he has a wooden leg. He
walks as though ..............................................................................................................................
47.We couldn't swim and so we had to wait for the ferry. If ............................................................
48.The truth didn't become known until many centuries later. Not until ............................................
49.Jim used to be married to that girl. That's the girl ...........................................................................
50.Perhaps he didn't realise what he had to do. He may ......................................................................
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