Aerosmith - Cryin'
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There was a

When I was so broken hearted

Love wasn't much of a of mine

The tables have turned, yeah

Cause me and them ways have parted

That kind of love was the killin' kind

Now listen

All I is someone I can't resist

I know all I need to know by the way that I got kissed

I was cryin' when I you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Love is sweet misery

I was cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' cause I let you

Do what you do - down on me

Now there's not even breathin' room

Between pleasure and

Yeah you cry when we're makin' love

Must be one and the same

It's down on me

Yeah I got to you one thing

It's been on my mind

Girl I gotta say

We're partners in crime

You got that certain something

What you give to me

Takes my away

Now the word out on the street

Is the devil's in your

If our love goes up in flames

It's a fire I can't resist

I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is misery

I was cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' cause I let you

Do what you do to me

Cause what you got inside

Ain't where your love should

Yeah, our love, sweet love, ain't love

If you give your heart away

I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' just to let you

Do what you do what you do down to me, baby, baby, baby

I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm dyin' cause I let you

Do what you do down to , down to, down to, down to

I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm dyin' to forget you

Your love is sweet

I was cryin' when I met you

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Hello everyone
mateuszw366, dzisiaj o 02:08
First time
mrsnake, wczoraj o 09:43
Adrian05, 3 dni temu, 13:30
Maczetti69, 4 dni temu, 20:21
Cześć :D
aniazienn, 29 listopada 2024, 18:30