Is a bicycle a good means of transport in Poland? Wypracowania
Is a bicycle a good means of transport in Poland?
Many people think a bicycle is already an old fashioned item. They say that a time of cars has come. Nevertheless I think that even in Poland riding a bike is healthy, can be safe and gives a lot of joy. It is really a good idea to have a bike in Poland and moreover use it!
We live in a civilisation in which we sit either in a front of the TV or in a car. Regular riding a bike gives us a chance to stay fit, is healthy for our pneumonic system and lowers the blood pressure. Some people claim, that slaloming between cars stuck in a traffic jam and inhaling all the exhausting gasses cannot be healthy. Nevertheless the researches show that people who sit in a car have more toxic substances in their lungs than people who are outside. When we move on a bike we quickly exhale all the toxins and carbon dioxides that otherwise would be stored in our bodies. Some may say that cars are more comfortable, but fit people do not give their cholesterol a chance to be stored in their veins and arteries. A body that has to move itself from time to time simply functions better and it is definitely more comfortable situation in the end.
People are often scared to ride a bike on the streets. Losing a precious life takes just a few seconds. A cyclist has no chances in confrontation with a 10 tones truck. The roads have holes and drivers do not respect speed limits. But thanks to a network of bike roads riding a bike can be totally safe. During last few years many kilometres of such roads have been built in Opole, and the same situation is true for most of Polish cities. Other people are afraid of breaking a leg while riding a bike. But if we look at death and injury rates for car and bike users we can see, that bikes are absolutely the safest mean of transport that exists. These fears are pointless.
When it is raining or snowing, how could riding a bike be joyful? Who likes to be wet? Actually it is not raining so many days a year and I do not persuade anybody to ride a bike during a snow storm. However I have ridden a bike during a pouring rain or in a temperature of - 10 C degrees and I can only say that it was really joyful. It is only the matter of the attitude. Not to mention the fact, that when one finally reaches his destination one is really happy!
Car-fans argue that riding a car gives much more joy. I can only disagree. Cars are smelly, one have no space and no contact with the world. When one rides a bike one really feels the surroundings, smells it and can move and stretch arms and legs without limitations.
This is why after a consideration I keep the opinion that riding a bike is really better than using other means of transport, especially cars. It is a good idea to have a bike in Poland. And ride it!
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