Integration with Muslim world is impossible

Integration with Muslim world is impossible

To what extent essay

After the tragic events in New York world became aware of the Muslim culture. Politicians woke up from their politically correct dream, in which all religions were equally good and multiculturalism was the main dogma. Does it mean, however, that all Muslims are terrorists, and there is no hope for integration and peaceful co-existence with the world's largest religion?
In the Reformation period Christianity left politics to lay governments and focused on the spiritual aspects of human existence. Secularization is one of the foundations of our Western democracies. This separation of state from religion did not occur, however, in the Middle Eastern spirituality and politics. Moreover this is not possible according to Prophet's words, which are not to be criticized, since they are believed to be God's words. Therefore Islam cannot be adjusted to the Western culture, since its very foundations are contradictory to our values and ideals.
Nevertheless there are certain attempts to create secular states in the Muslim world. One such example is Turkey. For over 80 years there has been a lay government, and various juristic and legislative reforms have been introduced by military regime. Contrary to other Muslim countries women are allowed to study and drive. Only 10 per cent of the 70 million population supports Osama bin Laden, and there are only 300-400 "honor" murders of disobedient women annually. This is why one can believe that in several centuries - and let us hope that not in several years! - Turkey may become even an EU member.
The problem with Islam is not only the fact that this is a throughout, feudal political ideology; Islam is a certain code of behavior and mentality. Koran openly supports inequality of genders and violence against unbelievers. Therefore most of the conflicts in the world take place there, where Muslim populations come into contact with other civilizations. In the West Muslim immigrants do not integrate, sometimes even their views become radicalized. For instance in Germany 32 per cent of Turkish youth of the third generation believe that anyone who fights Islam should be killed. In order the integration process to take place, there must be openness from both sides of the integrating parties, unfortunately all Islam can offer, are terrorist attacks and ghettos in the hearts of Western cities.
On the other hand there are various organizations, which believe a co-existence is possible. Organizations such as or speak openly about the necessity of integration and question some of the aspects of the traditional Muslim credo. There are also less radical schools of Islam, such as Sufism, which focuses on inner development, and not the military conquest of the world. If such marginal movements dominated Islam, its aggressive face would hopefully change.
Recapitulating integration with Muslim world is to certain extent possible, but the Islamic world would have to change beforehand. It requires time and good will. Nevertheless today, when Islam is dominated by radical Wahhabism contacts with Islamic world prove to be extremely difficult, and an integration is neither possible nor welcome.

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