Letter about Polish Easter celebration

Wzór listu do przyjaciela po angielsku na temat polskich Świąt Wielkanocnych

Dearest Friend,

Many thanks for your last message.

Since it is Easter today, I would like to familiarize you a bit with Polish ways of celebrating this holiday. Being a Christian believer, I try to stick to these traditions as faithfully as I can.

Easter is the yearly celebration of the Rise from the Dead of Jesus Christ. It is, next to Christmas, the most eagerly awaited holiday in Poland. Easter is preceded by many days of preparation. Everything starts on Ash Wednesday , a very solemn day, when ash is sprinkled on the heads of people attending a special mass. This gesture symbolizes the transitoriness and vanity of human life. Then, a period of forty-day Lent begins. During this time, Christian believers prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of Easter as well as mortify themselves by renouncing the pleasures, fun and comfort.

The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. On this day, small palms made of colorful ripe ears of grain and dried flowers are brought to church and sprinkled with holy water by a priest. What follows the Palm Sunday is known as the Holy Week. During the Easter Thursday and Easter Friday we celebrate the Suffering and Death of Christ. Polish people attend special Masses which are very solemn in character. A very interesting custom is maintained on Easter Saturday: one brings to church a specially prepared Easter Basket filled with eggs and other symbols of spring and Easter ( a sugar lamb, a chocolate bunny, some meat and horseradish ). The food is then blessed by a priest and taken back home where it is eaten during breakfast on Easter Sunday ( Easter proper ). On Saturday, one also prays before the Holy Grave of Christ situated in each church. As I have already written, Sunday begins with a traditional breakfast during which the family members share pieces of hard-boiled eggs wishing each other all the best. Easter Monday is associated with the custom of pouring water on girls and young women, which is believed to guarantee them success with boys.

Hopefully, no one is planning to make me wet since it is going to be dramatically cold and unpleasant tomorrow.

I promise to send you my pictures illustrating various aspects of Easter, which I have been taking during the Easter period. I am unable to do it now because the photos are still in my camera, and I cannot send them to my computer owing to various reasons.

Please, accept my very best wishes. Hope to hear from you soon,


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