Basic Math Vocabulary - Podstawowe słownictwo matematyczne
+ - plus - dodać
adding - dodawanie
add - dodawać
2 + 2 Two plus two
- - minus odjąć
subtraction - odejmowanie
subtract - odejmować
6 - 4 Six minus four
x, * - times razy
multiplication - mnożenie
multiply - mnożyć
5 x 3, 5 * 3 Five times three
= - equals równa się
2 + 2 = 4 Two plus two equals four.
< - is less than mniejsze niż
7 < 10 Seven is less than ten.
> - is greater than większe niż
12 > 8 Twelve is greater than eight.
≤ - is less than or equal to mniejsze równe
4 + 1 ≤ 6 Four plus one is less than or equal to six.
≥ - is more than or equal to większe równe
5 + 7 ≥ 10 Five plus seven is equal to or greater than ten.
≠ - is not equal to różne od
12 ≠ 15 Twelve is not equal to fifteen.
/ , ÷ - divided by podzielić przez
division - dzielenie
divide - dzielić
4 / 2, 4 ÷ 2 four divided by two
1/2 - one half jedna druga , pół
1 1/2 One and one half
1/3 - one third jedna trzecia
3 1/3 Three and one third
1/4 - one quarter jedna czwarta
2 1/4 Two and one quarter
5/9, 2/3, 5/6 - five ninths, two thirds, five sixths
4 2/3 Four and two thirds
% - percent procent
98% Ninety eight percent
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